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How much Health do Rabits have?

Grant Mitchell 6 years ago updated by Xman0613 5 years ago 6

Because sometimes I can kill a rabit in one hit (with shock arrows), and sometimes it takes 2 3, or even one time it 4. And when I say 4 shoots, I mean 4 shoots that hit the rabbit, but it still didn't die. Do rabbits have random hp or do arrows do random damage on top of the hit/miss rate. 


BUG: Fast leveling with crates

TheRaffy 6 years ago 0

When picing up a crate it will gain you 1 xp.
When running by the crate, one of your units will check the crate, get the xp and runns along with your totem. You can repat that to get mutlible xp by the same crate.


BUG: multible resources spawning

TheRaffy 6 years ago updated by merc23 6 years ago 1

for example a unit with a sickle can cut a corn plant and you will get 2 food (in1 out 2)
When you have 6 farmers cutting a corn plant at the same time (in1 out 12).
Same thing happens when chopping wood or hammering stones.

I mean it's fine when it's intended to be this way, but I'm not sure about that.


BUG: reloading enemy catapults

TheRaffy 6 years ago 0

It is possible to spend your gold on catapults owned by an enemy tribe.
Additionally it shoots at your walls, when you have some in range.
Yes, why would you do that. but why sould you be able to do it?


BUG: hovering stone projectile from catapults

TheRaffy 6 years ago updated by merc23 6 years ago 1

I saw twice an stone projectile staying in mid air, right over the catapult, where you are spawning them. I guess it's an rare timing problem, it could be the instance of target that dies, or some glitch with the viewport, depents on how you coded :)

- This looks funny when you kill the catapult under the hovering stone and theres that random flying thing.


BUG: Double Music when reloading

TheRaffy 6 years ago 0

when I'm reloading the browser tab via F5 sometimes the music will get buggy.
It sounds like an eco, is kinda louder and anoying as fuck. Like playing two instances of music with 1-2s timing delay.


Why do I see castle names in white on the top castles list?

merc23 6 years ago updated by Hoooh 6 years ago 1

I thought they were actually white castles at first, but when I look at the minimap where walls are color-coded I don't see the 5 or 7 different white castles I see on the list. Are they castles from a different server or is there a glitch?


Cloud Patterns

Grant Mitchell 6 years ago updated by fuzzy_logic 4 years ago 1

Do clouds have a set path or are they random? 


Better Team Balancing

Grant Mitchell 6 years ago updated by fuzzy_logic 4 years ago 4

I don't know about you, but I have never really been in a game where I felt all the teams were close in power level. I'm pretty sure this is already in the game, but it only seems to account for players on each team, not the gear that they have. 


I cannot change my tribe name on mobile

H2o2 6 years ago 0