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BUG: Double Music when reloading

TheRaffy 7 years ago 0

when I'm reloading the browser tab via F5 sometimes the music will get buggy.
It sounds like an eco, is kinda louder and anoying as fuck. Like playing two instances of music with 1-2s timing delay.


Why do I see castle names in white on the top castles list?

merc23 7 years ago updated by Hoooh 7 years ago 1

I thought they were actually white castles at first, but when I look at the minimap where walls are color-coded I don't see the 5 or 7 different white castles I see on the list. Are they castles from a different server or is there a glitch?


Cloud Patterns

Grant Mitchell 7 years ago updated by fuzzy_logic 4 years ago 1

Do clouds have a set path or are they random? 


Better Team Balancing

Grant Mitchell 7 years ago updated by fuzzy_logic 4 years ago 4

I don't know about you, but I have never really been in a game where I felt all the teams were close in power level. I'm pretty sure this is already in the game, but it only seems to account for players on each team, not the gear that they have. 


I cannot change my tribe name on mobile

H2o2 7 years ago 0

Make it so that you start with a skill point.

Grant Mitchell 7 years ago updated by fuzzy_logic 4 years ago 1

It just wastes time I find to go around hunting rabits in the early game (plus it takes forever when you don't have shock arrows...) 


What do you think about mushrooms could block plants space?

TheRaffy 7 years ago updated by merc23 7 years ago 1

If mushrooms could block spaces for plants, they might would get more attention.
like eating on purpose poisen once or picking the mushroom skill it.


Tower Defense Style Survival Mode

merc23 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

2 minutes to build team and/or castles then waves of barbarians appear. Everyone on the map is working together to survive as many waves as they can. At first it's just one ax-man with 4 hit points, then each subsequent wave gets harder. Maybe at the end we can do something special to commemorate the winners (hall of fame?).


sometimes catapult doesn't work

Hoooh 7 years ago 0

sometimes i pay the catapults but it doesn't work also when i build it near enemy's wall.