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I think we should only work together and never hurt each other because then both will be damaged and we can work together

jensobeygill 7 years ago updated by DUDU 7 years ago 3

Also the new people die right away


my idea is can creat account in game and more upgrades with blood

Skyblockfire 7 years ago updated by achillesRising 7 years ago 3

you shouldnt be able to move while in battle, ppl keep running away

hittrend #696969420911 7 years ago updated by PIZZA 7 years ago 4


Lord Xalasa 7 years ago updated by Sheep ie 7 years ago 4

THE WORKSHOP would be a building (like the trading shops) that gives you a great weapon for 10 coins (or maybe less)


whats better scythe or hammer?

aVoidEd 7 years ago updated by yun 7 years ago 10

so... yeah thats the question 

my strat is to have 1 of axe and bow a scythe or hammer and rest swords


gold pieces instead of coins

kanguror 7 years ago updated by merc23 7 years ago 6

now when you mine a rock it gives you gold coins

i think changing them into gold pieces would be more realistic :D

what do you think?



tlnfacturas 7 years ago updated by Grant Mitchell 7 years ago 1

bows are bad

yoyo 7 years ago updated by DUDU 7 years ago 4

they are bad at gathering food if you have the mushroop upgrade and at combat they aren't usefull more then normal tool. i know that with the new update bows are not that bad with the towers but i am steal useing only one bowman. pls buff bows or add new kind of bows (maybe crossbow).


Why the chest is so modern?

Zagłoba 7 years ago updated by Grant Mitchell 7 years ago 3

It really looks like a box from XXI century, not barbarian times!

Imć Zagłoba


add guns

japann 7 years ago updated by Zagłoba 7 years ago 7