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Sound volume for god sakes, unplayable

asd 7 years ago updated by Grant Mitchell 7 years ago 3

BOOO! Haunted rabbits!

Zagłoba 7 years ago 0

This is REALLY stupid - a rabbit going through the wall. Maybe they are GHOSTS?


Now more serious. Imagine - you're trying to hunt a big herd of rabbits. You REALLY need meat and xp. And what do you see? These adorable and yummy creatures are going through the wall INTO the enemy's castle. It can really pee of. Please, fix that bug.


Let the GATE look like GATE!

Zagłoba 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

As you know, the gate looks just like a metal bars. Why it don't look like a big, wooden doors?

It will open when it's owner want to go through it. Just like a NORMAL gate. Enemy will be able to open it with hammer :D.



yoyo 7 years ago updated by wanderersiogame 7 years ago 2

i think that we should have a way to give gold to other players (like the wood pile), when i am getting to the late game i have 20 gold and i have nothing to do with that, food i can plant and wood place. But not gold.

wanderersiogame 7 years ago

You can give them out, just click the icons on the top of the screen and your minions will drop them.


how about a mute sound button

dragon flam0X 7 years ago 0

Tutorial Update

Grant Mitchell 7 years ago 0

Maybe update the tutorial for castle mode? 


I was all by my lonesome

Isaiah Kinard 7 years ago updated by Grant Mitchell 7 years ago 1

Why was I the only tribe in the castle version with u guys knowing that I was gonna fail?


The waterfall

Grant Mitchell 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

To give the water fall a use, maybe make it so that crops near it will not need rain to grow, they just grow over time? Also, could you make the sound a little less loud...it's really loud...(maybe make the range smaller to, I have heard the waterfall when I couldn't even see it...


Can't Wall Yourself In?

merc23 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 1

Perhaps have a dialogue box or tool tip warning shows up asking if you are sure? Otherwise you are trapped!


Suggestion for Castle Mode

DUDU 7 years ago 0

1. Nobody uses knight anymore. Can you make knight has more HP to withstand tower attack from hunter?

2. Create ladder to beat stone wall without destroying it.