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Huddled images

Zagłoba 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

Image 60

I have found a image bug in menu - tribe and castle images are huddled.


I've found various bugs.

Hoooh 7 years ago 0

There's no animation when my soldiers cut wood.

I can't trade any resource in buildings, when i click i can hear the sound but nothing happens.

When i open the game i can not even enter a name because the game starts immediatelywith relative advertising or the screen remains gray.

ps: i'm not english so sorry for my grammar.


Handicapped lumberjack bug

Zagłoba 7 years ago updated by wanderersiogame 7 years ago 2

I have found a really stupid bug. When my lumberjacks are near the tree, they are getting invisible or their wood chopping animation is not working. They still can gather wood, but it looks very bad. Have it happened to you too?


Adding Event Box on corner screen?

merc23 7 years ago 0

Adding an event log on the corner of screen where you can see chats of other players. Maybe make an option to send chat to "Everyone" in white text, "Team" in blue text, or certain player in gray text. Also see events happening in yellow text, such as when Player X defeats Player Y, Player X defeats Ogre (in middle of map), or Player X becomes the leader.


Great Castle Update

Zagłoba 7 years ago updated by wanderersiogame 7 years ago 3

I got one question to rezoner - what is the date of Castle Update's implementation?

wanderersiogame 7 years ago



add single player mode

Simple 7 years ago updated by sjdnasd 2 years ago 2

add single player mode 

in single player mode :

You have more than 6 minion (20+)

and you can save the game 

,control the minion to split up.....

command it to not chop tree


Prestige Skills/Classes?

wanderer32324 7 years ago updated by Grant Mitchell 7 years ago 1

When experience is maxed out, ability to "Prestige" and start from lvl 1 again but this time you can get special classes for minions. Maybe even different classes unlock for how many times you Prestige.


-Shortbow: faster / less range than hunter

-Longsword: more damage / slower than normal sword

-Fire Mage: ranged AOE attack / only wears hood (lower health)

-Ice Mage: range AOE slow-down / also only wears hood


Trading Food for Wood in a Shop.

wanderer32324 7 years ago 0

Add a shop to trade food for wood. Right now you can get coins for wood from a shop, and food for coins in a different shop. This way getting resources is more even.


{random thought} wondering zombies

ZSSD 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

zombies that randomly attack and infect followers.



hallskyler9 7 years ago updated by Grant Mitchell 7 years ago 1

I bought the backpack but it never increased my cap to 40