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Rogue improvement

DUDU 7 years ago updated by Aragrel 7 years ago 5

Rogue looks like the worst melee in this game by attacking only enemy with 1 HP. Why dont give him a small chance to 1 hit kill to enemy with full HP? 3-5% chance will be nice. 



Grant Mitchell 7 years ago updated by fuzzy_logic 4 years ago 4

So...when minions engage in combat, they only fight in 1v1's...this feels a bit wired. I will go in and fight 1 barbarian, and one of my guys will be almost dead, because he was the only one fighting, the rest were just standing around...


Tech points

Grant Mitchell 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 1

How to you get tech points (what fills the bottle in the left corner)?


Mounted Units

142839 7 years ago updated by Grant Mitchell 7 years ago 1

-A new animal like a horse or deer (*wink,wink*) that can be tamed and mounted using a new tech/skill.

-But when researched it prevents you from killing anymore animals of that type.

-1 saddle costs 10-15 wood.

-But to be able put the saddle you must get the animal to trust you.

- To get it to trust it should be given something, maybe some sort of food? ( This should be quite difficult to get).

- When mounted by a warrior with a melee weapon the mounted unit has a chance to knock down whoever he's/she's charging.

-I now this seems overpowered, but as a constraint the horses can only be tamed and healed with the special thing

If anyone has any ideas to add, or give a idea of what the "thing" should be, please share below.

Thank You and have a great day.

P.S. To be tamed the animal requires 32-4 of the special things, depending on how hard it is to get it.


What do kills do?

Grant Mitchell 7 years ago updated by fuzzy_logic 4 years ago 3

If you kill someone, do you get anything?


Game modes

DUDU 7 years ago 0

Make limitation for special game mode:

1. Turn to basic. No grass and chest, players can only gather mushrooms, mine rocks, and chop trees, and poison mushroom is randomized. 

2. No improvement. Only basic hunter and lumberjack, or;

3. Maximum 3 minions.


More map

DUDU 7 years ago 0

We should have more various maps and gameplay. This one is getting boring after I play 3 days. 


Flag improvement

DUDU 7 years ago 0

"Stay" order almost dont do anything. 


Random portal

DUDU 7 years ago updated by merc23 7 years ago 3

Sometime pro player bully the beginner. There is time i need to run 1 hours without stopping, and they keep chasing. We should add some portal in the middle that warp you to random spot in the map.  


Stat mushrooms

DUDU 7 years ago 0

Other than healing mushroom, it will be fun to have mushroom that add Max HP or block.