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ideas english

Vepadaxidi 3 years ago updated by wanderersiogаme 3 years ago 36

Ai tribes break the game

Tatarka 3 years ago updated by Alliyah Saotome 3 years ago 5

Image 174

So there's always some flood of ai tribes all named Tribe2398258 (Bunch of random numbers) and they have no minions, no way to fight, and no way to die. If they spot you, they follow you around and constantly alert your minions so they can't gather resources, can't heal at the fire, or do anything. I've ran across the entire map and they don't leave you alone. It's just a bunch of totems following you around no matter what. Even if you manage to run to the other side of the map they simple latch on to you and follow you all the way across and don't leave. I can't do anything in the game because of this, the only way to fix it is if I refresh the page and lose all my progress.


can we have peacful mode plz

Galias 4 years ago updated by Matej 3 years ago 4

Cheater uses multiple tabs and controls 10 tribes with one mouse

DrShroomyGanja 4 years ago updated by Matej 4 years ago 1

One guy controlled 10-20 tribes with one mouse, he killed me and all of my friends, we made a huge 5100 points castle and he destroyed everything we made in 4 hours. 


make that you can swap-change minions tools

vakariux 7 years ago updated by Irunfold 7 years ago 5

Make the chat text show for a bit longer

sharkcicle 7 years ago updated by DUDU 7 years ago 4

It would make communication a bit easier


Rain should put out fires

SomeoneElse 7 years ago updated by achillesRising 7 years ago 2

Just as the title says. When it rains fires will be extinguished.


Inventions not working

THEFERRETY 7 years ago updated by Grant Mitchell 7 years ago 3

I was working on things for the wiki, and I noticed that sometimes when you buy inventions they won't do anything. I got butchery one time and I only got one food from every rabbit I killed, and another time I bought the saw and every tree I chopped only gave me one.

This only happened a fraction of the time, and I should have and will test it further. It would be appreciated if you guys on the forum would test it too, or take notice of it if it happens to you.

Anyone else experiencing this?


Chatting sucks, unreadable

gamer 7 years ago updated by achillesRising 7 years ago 3