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Floating Leaves

Grant Mitchell 6 years ago updated by fuzzy_logic 4 years ago 1

Sometimes the leaves of cut down trees don't go away...so there just floating in the air.


Change colour

Hoooh 6 years ago updated by Zagłoba 6 years ago 1

Sometimes in castle mode i see different kingdoms of different coulur: green, yelloy, blue, gray etc... How can i change colour ?


Do not automate build order

DUDU 6 years ago updated by merc23 6 years ago 3

Wood is too scarce in castle mode. When my lumberjack dies, i need to collect 3-4 woods, but it's too hard if the build order is automated. My minion will always try to build and deplete my woods resource


Let's discuss about a new update

Zagłoba 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 4

I think it's good to discuss about the new update, because if we don't do it, finding bugs and tweaking  content will take a lot more time. 

I have found some things that have to be fixed, tweaked or explained:

1.Why eclipse is gone? That was a good game mode, and there were players that have played it.

2.If we build a wall or tree on rabbit, it can't move and be hunted.

3.Leaves are sometimes floating in air after chopping a planted tree.

4.Number of flags on walls is CRAZY - 3 per one wall. It should be only one flag.

5.Archers sometimes can't shoot rabbits from walls.

6.Catapult not does any damage to minions.

7.Empty wood storages break after few minutes.

8.Sometimes the 'Build Frames' don't appear, but we lose wood.

9.Hunter minions that guard the meadow after using "stay" ability on should jump on nearby walls.

10.After upgrading on "stay" the ability icon sometimes don't appear or appear after many minutes.

11.Rabbits can go through builded walls.

12.Minions after using "stay" ability on them cant go through gates.

13.In some territories on map, called by me "Glitch Zones", minions don't react on totem's moves.

14.I can shoot from catapults that belongs to another teams.

15.We should got money, resources or experience for destroing buildings.

16.There is no way to destroy my own buildings.

17.There is no way to stop playing apart from dying.

18.When bow minions are in small castle, they can't pick up resources or even sit by the campfire.

19.Sometimes this happen to catapult:

Image 61

And this is silly. Disco catapult :D.

20.Catapult can't destroy other catapults.

21.Building/planting options are overlaping with upgrades.

ENOUGH. Your turn.


the sandbox wont load

cartrsims 6 years ago updated by San Bonaire 6 years ago 4

Mercenaries Support

anotherwanderer 6 years ago updated by merc23 6 years ago 3

I think somebody else might have mentioned something like this already, but why not hire mercenaries. They will come fully armored, but you have to keep paying them 1 gold every 5 seconds or something. So when you run out of money, they go away.

Maybe to help with this we can get a skill that will double the rate of mining gold?


Special Mask for 1000+ points?

wanderer32324 6 years ago 0

So that there is still a reason to play once you're already a leader on the server. Maybe like a color system? White Skull = Leader, Red Skull = 1000+ pts, Black Skull = 2000+ pts, Gold Skull = 3000+ pts.


Glitch! Triggered Soldier / Invisible Enemy

wanderer32324 6 years ago 0

Soldier is glitched so that he is always triggered (with the yellow exclamation) as if there is an enemy nearby. This makes it so that I can't pillage corpses, or pick up items on the ground, or heal in a fireplace. If the triggered soldier dies, then another soldier in your team takes its place. Also I see a red dot following me on the minimap, but there is no one there. It's like there is a ghost enemy following me and aggro-ing my team.


Floating islands?

San Bonaire 6 years ago updated by THEFERRETY 6 years ago 6

What if the meadows were turned into floating islands and the grey areas were turned into water below.  I suggest that be center be a big island surrounded by islands that get smaller as you get closer to the edge of the map. To get from island to island you could build bridges. The trading posts could already have bridges connecting nearby islands. Maybe instead of changing the whole game this could be a new game mode.  The first time I saw this game I thought that floating islands would be a cool idea.  Anyways heres some concept art comparing the two.

Image 57


A suggestion for Beta game, the box need to be moved by limit edge.

a 6 years ago updated by Grant Mitchell 6 years ago 3

as title

the box that is include 1 food, 1 wood and 1 gold.