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see allies resources

rodrigovillx2 7 years ago updated by Zagłoba 7 years ago 2

Make Walls Harder To Break

merc23 7 years ago updated by Grant Mitchell 7 years ago 1

It's frustrating when you spend a long time building a good castle, with towers and catapults, only for the enemy to come in and wreak havoc because one segment in the wall breaks.



Tal 7 years ago updated by kanguror 7 years ago 3

There is a bug on eating every mushroom and cutting grass giving you food


Shop location should be more randomized

DUDU 7 years ago updated by merc23 7 years ago 6

It wil be more challenging to find the shop. Right now we can always guess that food shop will always the north and lumber mill south. 



DUDU 7 years ago 0

Collaboration is a nice feature of this game. But it's so hard to chat. My words are too hard to be noticed by others and i barely can see what others say during a fight. So why don't we add some little chatbox? It will bring more fun to the game. 


Mushrooms that can heal don't heal me!

Ethan (Pesticide) 7 years ago updated by kanguror 7 years ago 1

Pretty self explanatory. 


and clans

Flex_Is 7 years ago updated by kanguror 7 years ago 1

and you can add a capture the FORTS command

Flex_Is 7 years ago updated by kanguror 7 years ago 1

I think you need to make the map brighter

Flex_Is 7 years ago 0

the map should be all grass and no grey stuff

krasna divka 7 years ago updated by savage doge 7 years ago 2