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Bird Bug

Wordify 7 years ago updated by MadPanCake (PanNiedzwiadek) 7 years ago 4

I don't know if I'm wrong, but birds are not huntable. I don't know if they are just there for effect.



savage doge 7 years ago updated by issa04 7 years ago 3

For new people playing this game, we can have a tutorial so they get to understand the game a bit more


Women have got male voice when taking the wepon.

Zagłoba 7 years ago updated by Moms Spaghetti 7 years ago 10

I mean this "HAHA". 


Bots are too hard.

Zagłoba 7 years ago updated by Grant Mitchell 7 years ago 3

They must be nerfed!


Its just what Rezoner said

xJoseph Coolx 7 years ago updated by Vigilante Gaming 7 years ago 4

Image 12So the "little people" dance and sing to worship I type of god that is picked in the beginning of the game. You can also chose to not have a god. But if you have a god then things can happen to you if you disobey it. Before doing this Rezoner should add a not auto attack option so i can not attack anything if Im playing with friends.

First god is a peaceful god that loves money. This god does not let you kill the little people or anything alive; trees too. The only way to get items is to mine and get coins to buy items from the shops. You can then "dance and sing for your god" in front of a fire and throw coins into that fire to get enchantments 

50 coins : summon the god himself 

       the god has 50 hp but does not attack 

15 coins : get a miner with 6 hp

Now if you do something bad like kill another player you have too

       lose 10 coins per killed 

Thats all I got plz add more gods you can think of or edit the god I made 


First Question ... I think

xJoseph Coolx 7 years ago updated by wanderersiogame 7 years ago 2


Is the game multiplayer

if it is not then u should make it multiplayer 

well I guess this is just the bata  

wanderersiogame 7 years ago

The game is multiplayer.

This forum is on a strict moderation - please put question in topic or I will delete the thread.


Put some ground underneath structures

Moms Spaghetti 7 years ago updated by PIZZA 7 years ago 4

Looks a little bit strange with it sitting in the void like that... also why do my barbarians keep killing innocent bunnies?


Someone is mass spawning alts

Snowy 7 months ago 0

Someone is spawning tons of tribes under the same color, creating a horizontal line across the world, eventually killing the server, maybe put a cap on how many units can come from one IP/Device