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Johnsena 5 years ago updated by Matej 4 years ago 1



i would like the idea of tell you minons to stay in one place with out the totom

Diego 5 years ago updated by Johnsena 5 years ago 1

What about a Random Name generator?

mylhause 5 years ago 0

Something about Classes..

Unknown 5 years ago updated by Oiskadi 5 years ago 1

Wand : Mage
Useful for attacking and healing
Warhammer : Bereserker
Useful For attacking and Destroying building Faster
Duo-gger : Assisian
Can Stab Enemeys when they Are at 3 Health or lower

That's first...

What about classes have talents?

Miner : Have a chance of gaining wood and gold from mining
Knight : have %21 to do a Special attack dealing 3x normal damage
Rogue : When attack give you 1 gold
Hunter : When attacking without stopping Hunter gets %10 damage + the normal damage
Farmer : Gets food from mushroom and Trees
WoodCutter : When Breaking Trees.. gives extra damage to WoodCutter

Assisian : Gets more gold when Stabbing a Enemey
Mage : Gives an Health buff to all alies in a Raduis
Bereserker : gives Extra Damage to Allies


Who is the golden player and why cant i gather when theyre near>>

t24129 5 years ago updated by Oiskadi 5 years ago 3

I'm playing castle mode, then this yellow player appears with no minions, and  if he stands near me, one of my minions gets an exclaimation point above his head, then my minions bug out - they run around, pausing, and not gathering resources, sitting down to heal at fires, not doing any action besides fighting and stone gathering for some reason.

This is very frustrating, as it seems that the players are trolls or spectators who dont know that they are a detriment to the player if they get close.

Im not sure if it is a deliberate part of the game, but it is extremely frustrating. 

anyone know what it is?


maybe make it so you don't change color

Wolf_Wild 5 years ago updated by buffalo bill 5 years ago 1

Who is the best player?

gigoloamericano 5 years ago 0

max level! really??

Chris 5 years ago 0

how do other players get so powerful then?

you should do full tech tree, just an idea so players can have fun...


make it so when you cant downgrade by doing nothing

Kayden 5 years ago updated by Xman0613 5 years ago 1

i was told to get in the shower. so i left the game on cuz i was so far. but when i come back... I AM DOWN-GRADED