Your comments

No offense bruh but most of the people that commented on these posts don't even play this game anymore,let alone follow this site.

The game's dead:That's just how it is sadly😔😔😔...


Also I disagree the current design is better but ok lol

Blud just witnessed armageddon LMFAO XD

You can also build in Tribes Mode via script snippets lol...

You didn't enclose the walls lmao...

Your tribe probably died and then you hit"respawn",got a level up and did that upgrade didn't you?

You see:When you die,your first upgrade won't have any effect. So you should always make sure to reload the page once you've died,otherwise glitches like that will happen.

I learned this the hard way when my tribe died,I respawned the usual way by hitting that respawn button instead of reloading the page,upgraded mycology and noticed that mushrooms that I KNEW were not poisonous were killing my guys.

Put 2 and 2 together and quickly realized it was because I didn't reload the page.

Just reload the page in the future and this will not happen anymore buddy;)

You can already do this via script snippets dude lmao...

Your tribe probably died and then you hit"respawn",got a level up and did that upgrade didn't you?

You see:When you die,your first upgrade won't have any effect. So you should always make sure to reload the page once you've died,otherwise glitches like that will happen.

I learned this the hard way when my tribe died,I respawned the usual way by hitting that respawn button instead of reloading the page,upgraded mycology and noticed that mushrooms that I KNEW were not poisonous were killing my guys.

Put 2 and 2 together and quickly realized it was because I didn't reload the page.

Just reload the page in the future and this will not happen anymore buddy;)

That was probably me lmao(also its not hacking literally everyone can do it via the simple use of script snippets lol its not even that hard).

Let me guess:They were building walls in Tribes Mode weren't they?

Yeah but its such a heavily unfinished game tho lol.Still fun to play nonetheless tho no;)?