
offline version

Nick Noodle 7 years ago updated by Hittler 1 month ago 5

I think it would be a lot more fun if there were a offline version,its a chill game but there's to many jerks and they are always kill-in me bad

Un modo que limite a los de jugadores que pueden estar en un equipos bastaría, pero un modo de juego donde estes solo tambien estaria interesante para ver las mejoras del juego, cuando vas empezando o también ya experimentado sin temor aserte más débil por esa mejora y que te maten por no tener una mejor. Esto tambien estaria suave para el modo "castle mode" donde podrás construir lo que quieras facilmente y después puedes tomarles foto.

A mode that limits the players that can be in a team would be enough, but a game mode where you are alone would also be interesting to see the improvements in the game, when you are starting out or you have already experienced without fear becoming weaker for that improvement and that They kill you for not having a better one. This would also be very well for "castle mode" where you can build whatever you want easily and then you can take pictures of them.

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You can also build in Tribes Mode via script snippets lol...

me want offline mode also

An offline mode I think could only work if a survival mode is added like the zombie mode I suggested.

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