Your comments

They don't control that many tribes with one mouse they use bots lmao


I'm volunteering to help make language settings accordingly


...I mean...What's the point of this ability if there's no water on the map lol

"at some point units i ordered to stay started wandering, but independently of my army. is this a feature to prevent grasslands becoming uncapturable? either way please do sth about it, it defeats the whole purpose of stay."

The whole point of stay is creating new tribes that wander around and kill off enemy tribes I don't get ur point here?They're scripted to leave the meadow at 3 or more members.The max is 6.If they have 6,they will usually leave immediately.U can also abuse this by using stay on archers on castle walls/towers,since,if there's less than 6 of them,they'll usually stay on them and pick off enemies,therefore guarding ur castles pretty effectively actually lol.U can also use stay on axemen,hammermen and arrowmen,since 1's gonna pick up food,the other wood,and the third is gonna repair ur castle walls,effectively saving u from upkeep

Because,if u get a non-gear skill after dying,without refreshing the page,that skill is invalid.So don't get those after dying if u didn't restart the page.Or,u know,just restart the page

If u're talking about the stay upgrade,its still bugged.If u get it as the last upgrade it won't work.U have to get a gear advancement(gear being weapons,shields and helmets)FIRST and THEN u get the stay upgrade,so DON'T GET IT AS UR LAST UPGRADE IF U PLAN ON GETTING IT

I do like this one,as a matter of fact.However some of these are only available and possible in tribal mode(the wheat mill for example)

That's probably because u didn't refresh the page after getting killed lol

There already is:

*The communist strategy:* 2 Builders(only when building something,other times better to not have them due to less strain on resources)2 Archers 2 Lumberjacks. Research(in order from left to right as to easily orientate yourself):hammer,scythe,mycology,backpack,shock arrow,butchery,cannibalism,stay and saw.ALTERNATIVELY u could also go for the sword(or dagger,if u want a bit more gold)upgrade instead of one of the upgrades mentioned above,such as butchery or cannibalism,preferably one of these two,or scythe and mycology,giving u a chance to invest in a lv1 shield(it is preferable to not go for butchery in my opinion,as its not as useful as the other ones,but it depends on whether or not u like killing barbarians and other tribes more,or rabbits),as when u get enough gold,and if u have a food storage nearby that u've been putting all of ur spare food into,u can make even more groups this way.Otherwise,the gold is pretty much gonna go to waste every time.

*ALTERNATIVE STRATEGY/RESEARCH:* (again from left to right)hammer,sword,scythe,mycology,dagger,backpack,shock arrow,cannibalism and stay.

Why this might be better for u:2 archers,1 swordsman and 1 rogue make a killing combination,because:swordsman has the highest attack speed,while he's attacking the enemy,archers shoot at them,dealing 2 damage(1 if they have a shield),and the rogue usually deals the finishing blow,potentially saving ur swordsman from death.Also because:U only really need food to make units that can stay.How?Allow me to explain:When u only have 1 tribe member,his equipment(aside from shields and helmets)is completely free,meaning that u can just do this all the time:Make ur tribesmen stay until u have only 1 tribesman.Then,recruit another tribesman,and make the other one(with equipment)stay.Then,give the newly recruited tribesman something,like a sword,dagger,hammer,or bow,doesn't matter really(but if the enemy has a lot of castles,hammers are preferable.Otherwise,use swords combined with either hammers,bows,or both,in a balanced 3-3 or 2-2-2).U give him the equipment for free again,recruit another tribesman,make the one with the equipment stay,give the new one equipment for free,and so on,and so on.Thus,u can actually only use food as a resource only,and not any of the other resources,saving u the time and effort to search/get them.

How to get the other resources since u don't have a woodcutter nor a builder:Because of the cannibalism,shock arrow,sword and dagger upgrades,u can easily just go around the map,collecting chests,and killing and looting barbarians and weaker tribes(and stronger tribes,as long as they don't have a shield/shields).This should give u enough of the other resources to just spam troops when u're in battle,giving u an edge over the enemy.

How to make this even easier:Just follow one of the tribes u made using the stay upgrade,and help them in battle.This should make battles and looting a heck of a lot easier,simultaneously helping both u,and ur newly acquired tribe.

Strategy:Stay in meadows,kill off rabbits,barbarians and weaker enemy groups,and get chests as much as possible.After all of these are done and upgraded,get as close to 40 food and wood as possible,use stay on 3 of ur minions,and then just spam archers,lumberjacks and stay(best build for stay:3 builders and 3 archers,or 3 knights and 3 archers,since the builders won't cut down any trees,leaving them for you,and the archers for support in battle)

Pros:Extremely efficient since u can spam out 5 groups of 6 people,each with 3 builders and archers,making this a very good strategy for little cost.Very effective against weaker enemy groups.Good against a bit stronger ones.Kinda bad against strong and very strong enemy groups tho.

Cons:U will be almost completely defenseless against stronger enemy groups for the entirety of the game.But,if u can pull this off,u can have so many friendly groups that its not gonna even matter in the end,since everyone's gonna be overwhelmed by them anyways.Use with caution.

Conclusion:If u like stronger builds,do not go for this one.If u like to spam as many groups as possible in a short period of time,this is the strategy for u.

U can also go around the map killing barbarians with only 1 swordsman and 1 unequipped tribe member,since when ur swordsman dies,u can just give ur other tribe member the sword for free,recruit another tribe member for 1 food,and rinse and repeat lol.It is also a lot simpler to kill other tribes this way,since they're gonna approach u,because they think that u are weak,and then u can just spam swordsmen and rogues and trick them this way.MUAHAHAHAHA.U also don't need to heal ur tribe members,since u get more resources from them if they die anyway,than if they lived(if u only have 2 tribe members currently,one equipped with a sword killing off barbarians,and one unequipped one.Otherwise u can just use stay on them and recruit new ones,if u have the gold to spare,but not the food to heal them)

Ps:This guide was made by me lmao