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Seems like an issue to me

Leif Fenray 3 years ago updated by wanderersiogаme 3 years ago 2

Image 237


HOW U CAN STILL ACCESS THE OTHER 2 MODES(Domination and Battle_Royale).This is a reupload because I didn't realize what I did was wrong last time.

Matej 3 years ago 0

So basically u were supposed to open the console with the fn key+F12 on laptop(or F12 on pc)and do it this way:

Youtube video

HOW U CAN STILL ACCESS THE OTHER 2 MODES(Domination and Battle_Royale).

Matej 3 years ago 0

So yeah:Basically u just open up the console by hitting the fn key on ur laptop,and then F12 while u're holding the fn key,and reload the page using ctrl+r.That's literally it LOL.

There's also OGRES in those modes:Something I've never seen before in this game myself lol.They used to be in those modes that u could play.They still are,its just that the modes are kinda hidden.Not anymore tho lol.

Explained here:

Youtube video

Comunidad de Ideas para wanderers.

wanderersiogаme 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 7

Toda la comunidad puede hablar


teaming/opening different tabs

plsfixthis 3 years ago 0

add limit to amount of tribes per group, otherwise a bunch of teaming happens and it becomes impossible to play. another problem this would fix is the issue of players opening multiple tabs


I'm not the creator but I haven't updated this, so I'm one hundred percent for inconvenience until you update it I won't stop using your name then

wanderersiogаme 3 years ago updated by Vepadaxide 3 years ago 2

This place does not allow you to edit anything and he is no longer in this project although I know it is because he does not have money he can even put another chat engine


No soy el creador pero no a actualizado esto, entonces lo ciento por inconvenientes asta que lo actualices no dejare de usar tu nombre pues

wanderersiogаme 3 years ago 0

Este lugar no te permite editar nada y ya no está en este proyecto aunque se que es por que no tiene dinero puede aunque sea poner otro motor de chat


The buildable area (walls etc.) is larger than the area where the minions can go.

lupawel 3 years ago updated by wanderersiogаme 3 years ago 2

This leads to building castles (wierframe) that are unbuildable but also non-destructable (no one can reach them).


Can I make a web series for it or a few cartoons for it

kosmala animation 3 years ago updated by Alliyah Saotome 3 years ago 15

So my idea is the add some lore to the game by having like actual ranks like the red emperor like actually give this story a little more lore

I can make animations about it