we shoould keep our stuff wan we die so we don't have to start back over and where we get our skills or whatever it should not be maximum.
IDK. i guess for Wanderers.io and why not make it a real game like Wanderers
this game is amazing
although is not under development
and under attack of hackers
its still peaceful game to enjoy
you can even build HUGE PROJECTS
like this one GIGA BASE 2
by "me" and my friend "GG"
Now castle map is occupied by someone with an enormous amount of objects , it makes server crippled lol
the characters move like having epilepsy
why is wanderers.io crashing? or is it having a server clearout?
the castle mode has a lot of bot enemy ai
the tribe is also starting to lag....
Server is dead crash
This happens every game, and I have tried dozens and dozens of times on multiple computers, browsers and my phone. I like the game and i've become obsessed trying to get it to work. I know other players don't have this problem.
I have tried to reboot
update PC
update chrome
In dev tools, it shows this:
AudioContext was not allowed to start. It must be resumed (or created) after a user
WebSocket is already in CLOSING or CLOSED state.
var packet=msgpack.encode([message,data]);this.socket.send(packet);},sendDiff:function(message,data){if(app.data.shared[message]){data=this.sharer.encode(message,data,null,[],true);message=this.sharer.getKeyIndex(message);}
Indicate whether a cookie is intended to be set in a cross-site context by specifying its SameSite attribute
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