bug/feature (i'm not sure) concerning 'stay'

Vic 5 years ago updated by Matej 4 years ago 1

at some point units i ordered to stay started wandering, but independently of my army. is this a feature to prevent grasslands becoming uncapturable? either way please do sth about it, it defeats the whole purpose of stay. if i desperately wanted my enemies dead, i'd just kill them myself and i don't need to create bots for my team... or i'm not sure

"at some point units i ordered to stay started wandering, but independently of my army. is this a feature to prevent grasslands becoming uncapturable? either way please do sth about it, it defeats the whole purpose of stay."

The whole point of stay is creating new tribes that wander around and kill off enemy tribes I don't get ur point here?They're scripted to leave the meadow at 3 or more members.The max is 6.If they have 6,they will usually leave immediately.U can also abuse this by using stay on archers on castle walls/towers,since,if there's less than 6 of them,they'll usually stay on them and pick off enemies,therefore guarding ur castles pretty effectively actually lol.U can also use stay on axemen,hammermen and arrowmen,since 1's gonna pick up food,the other wood,and the third is gonna repair ur castle walls,effectively saving u from upkeep