Your comments

Player with same skin as you.

Hammer late- and mid-game, scythe is best tool to get on your 3rd tribesman after killing 2 rabbits though.

Clear cookies etc. I had similiar issue on launch.

By not registered hits or +2 hp rabbits I mean when they get hit by arrow and there is blood, hit sound and knockback they but still need to take two or more hits to die; Fake mushrooms will prevent new mushrooms growth form clouds if there are enough of them, so in that case its more than visual.

Also megathread won't work as apparently OP can't update their thread on userecho, let alone sticking it. :P

2 more bugs I forgot:

- Sometimes HP bonus from headgear does not apply to barbarians and they wear it as cosmetic, it will cause 2xp barbarians to give 1xp too.

- Gold looted from tribesmen have stone sprite. 

To fight, both centers of both tribes have to be close to eachother. Same with looting dead bodies but you need to be where the center was during death and area to stand can be small if victim died far from it or off screen.

Do poisonous mushrooms stay till eaten? I wonder if good player could just pick only edible ones forever or spawns are random and at some point someone would have to grab them all for more to spawn?

Its already easy to run away from other players since tribe speed debuff was added, you should not have problem with barbarian aggro ad long as you do not try to get near guarded resources. Also I am pretty sure OP is jusr joking as barbarians are pretty weak.

I disagree about mushrooms they were OP before I gave Rezo PTSD so hard that he added lvl and pop cap.

They are still powerful and viable even in military builds.