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That could be part of the Range skill for archers?
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What I like about the game right now is that you CAN'T get all the skills. It makes it harder to choose the skills I get. It also allows for specialization. I can choose to be a pure combat tribe or a farming and building tribe or some combination in between. It's like you are choosing a profession with each skill you choose to get. Rather than allowing to obtain all the skills, maybe we should just be able to improve the skills you do have (like knights get a bit faster, or you can get 3 logs from a tree instead of 2).
Isn't that the same thing as defending a meadow?
If we make the fountain an infinite source of food, would that make the center castle too powerful? Right now the fountain is just for decoration, but I agree we need to do something with it. Maybe it irrigates the meadow slowly, but you can still dry it out if you over-plant it? At least that way you don't need to wait for the rain.
I think we should get xp for destroying buildings. In the time I destroy a wall or tower, I can hunt 2 or 3 barbarians / rabbits.
Sandbox was the old Tribes mode. Now both are sandbox with one having castle building options too.
I have damaged walls with catapults before, but often with aiming and the cooldown it's faster to just destroy them with builders.
lol, maybe they want to be trapped inside?
Customer support service by UserEcho
What if it's cheaper for you to destroy your own walls, and more expensive to destroy other teammates'?