Your comments

Part of the problem is that once you max everything out, the only 2 fun things to do are you hunt down people or build a castle, both of which make it hard to start out as a new player. Plus there's less resources because the massive tribes are using alot of it (building alot of fires and buying new guys, and gear, ext). It would be great to have some more late game, maybe make it so that you can split of from your team to form your own team or something...

How would it work? Would you find horses in the wild or would you buy them? What would horse troops? there's castle mode...will this ever come back? If it does, will it have castles? 

bump...because i am bad


It would prob take way less time to buff rouges than to add mages.

I don't really think eclipse was that good. It doesn't really fit the's built for long term strategy, but in eclipse, the games are too short for you to really do anything that interesting, it really is jut luck (the hit/miss rate of your archers, how many trees and rabits you find).

doesn't seem to happen anymore