Your comments

No Rez, it's an actual bug. It occured to me few times already, and I had no missionary. I also had hammer for sure.

These unmineable rocks also had no tooltip, and after rain cloud passed nearby, few, mineable, rocks has grown up near these unmineable, but the unmineable ones still were unmineable.

Yeah. And Rezoner just added chat! :D

Yup, I like the idea of fishing. You could gain food, and sometimes a gold coin :D But we would need a fishing rod so it'll have sense. But the idea of thirst is nice. I think it should be implemented to game, also - we would need more water sources, maybe tiny lakes near, or in meadows? :)

I've got another bug for you - When you point your cursor on rabbit, you see incorrect message. Also, this glitch actually makes no sense, cause you can't even point your hand on minions because they automagically move off your cursor.

Actually only unpickable mushrooms are bug. The rest of actions are working fine, just sometimes minions didnt calculated to do something or stuff like that. You just have to wait or move totem around and it'll work fine :)

The small yellow dots on map are chests, they spawn near poor meadows to support weak players with 1 food, 1 wood and 1 experience point (or how its called :P)

Yup, for now birds are only to bring more life to game :)

Nah. Its not possible to put such mechanics to without breaking the atmosphere of building up a nice happy tribe.

Nah, pets will make the game too complicated imo.