Your comments

you wrong, archers work 1 vs 2 or 1 vs 3. but rouges don't work so much. anyway i agree with you.

so guys please add +1 positive vote so the dev.. reads this... it's really boring crashing every fking minute.

wyatt H. can you not create useless topics ? it's ridicoulous.

this happened to me too xD.

not anymore... now you can only refresh the page.

now it happens every 15-20 minutes and my pc didn't change in these days.

do you know how is boring destroing walls on green areas ? it's just we shouldn't able to build wallks on green areas. it's easy to understand.

do you remember the pvp mode 10 ? eclipse... that wasn't the usual match where you join in tribe mode.

it's for more ways and more funny and people.

mycology 80% works but you've right about the flag.

why ? at the start i never use the hammer because i buy more axes so i can cut more wood and let the other building my constructions giving them wood. 

Then you can noice how is bad getting hammer at the start because it will costs you alot of wood... understand what i mean ?

and scythe ? where's the problem with it ?