Your comments

Well I can't seem to break walls at all with catapult so...

Maybe in night it's really hard to see (no miny map, and you can only see in a small area around your units and near fires)

I would think soon sense he made a vid about it on his channel

They are? What do they look like on the map?

That would make castle building really hard

You mean like, just super duper costly like, costing 30 wood, or costing more than the resource max like 50

Uh...really? I have not been able to get any to follow me WITH missionary so...I guess it's really rare?

I don't think single player is really the focus of the game... But it would be nice to have more music!

Does it happen often? Because I have tryied getting missionay and just walking up to a bunch of them and I havn't been able to get a barbarian to follow me (one time they even attacked me, even tho I had missionary). 

they are useful because unlike other meele units, they will swarm. What I mean by that is, if I have 6 swords, and I go to fight something, only 1 of my sword guys will fight the single enemy, but if I have 6 rogues and I go to fight 1 guy, then ALL my rogues will attack that one unit. So there kind of a trade off in some ways.