Your comments

My proposal to combat this issue would be to nerf the main source of strength for these large armies: the campfires and infinite resources.

From now on you can only have 20 pieces of everything (40 if you invent backpack)

The most popular io games all have mechanics that make it easy for the top players to be destroyed

I am just using IO domain - I don't really follow IO games rules :) Although yes we should have something to make top players stressed about their current position.

Planning your tribe ahead is a part of the game.

Nerfing? Archers not being attacked until all melee are dead is a boost not a nerf :)

Yeah I am aware of it, but not sure how to fix it. For now the smaller tribes are faster.

The game is multiplayer.

This forum is on a strict moderation - please put question in topic or I will delete the thread.

Mushrooms that are edible give you +1 food

Barbarians can't chop wood or kill bunnies. They only pretend so the game looks more lively :)