The buildable area (walls etc.) is larger than the area where the minions can go.

lupawel 2 years ago updated by wanderersiogаme 2 years ago 2

This leads to building castles (wierframe) that are unbuildable but also non-destructable (no one can reach them).

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no problem it's a very efficient thing and they can make history in that place, in the future make it dangerous to go there because of something going on outside like a giant war or beasts that kill easily but don't get close by giant the source that protects us. (Although whoever approaches him also kills him and if he is killed, he reappears through the water that I say is HEALING)

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no hay problema es una cosa muy eficiente y pueden hacerse historia en ese lugar, en el futuro  hacer que sea peligroso ir allí por algo que este pasando en el exterior como una guerra gigante o bestias que matan fácilmente pero no se acercan por gigante de la fuente que nos protege (aunque también quien se le acerque lo mata y si lo matan reaparece por el agua que digo que es SANADORA.