
Some Ideas and Experiences

That Red Flag 3 years ago updated by Hittler 1 week ago 0

I've put some hours into the game, this is a list of ideas, exploits and bugs based on my playtime.

  • Changes to Castle Building. Once you've built a castle, it's stuck the way you built it. If you want to extend it, you have to tear down a section, costing 15 gold per wall. That's pricey! Maybe change it so that the wall can be extended around stone gates. This makes extensions a bit safer, and makes the leaderboard consistent.
  • Tribe Spammers. Occasionally you get that one jerk that spams out tribes, quitting the game and surrendering control to the AI. I propose a few solutions to the problem:
    • AI Timeout. After a set amount of time (Maybe thirty seconds, even less) an AI tribe will die, not leaving any resources. This won't stop spammers, but means they have to continually grind out tribes.
    • AI Time Minimum. A tribe will only become AI controlled if that tribe has existed for a set amount of time (e.g. 5 minutes). Meaning spammers have to twiddle their fingers while waiting for their tribes to pass the time limit.
    • No AI on Death. All but eliminates tribe spammers. A variation could be that AI tribes can't actually fight, instead they just chill in a meadow, waiting for someone to kill them... Frankly having an AI that just butchers the nearest enemy tribe feels kind of pointless.
  • Minion Spammers. Can't say I've seen these much, but I've tried the strategy once. The idea is you collect a large amount of food, then ditch all but one minion. Give them a free weapon, then create a new minion for one food. Abandon the old minion, and repeat. 
  • Stay at Tower. If you have an archer in a tower, there should be a command that forces him to stay in that tower. (My idea is you click on the archer, and the health bar will turn yellow.) Later you can come back and collect them from the tower. The archer(s) that are in towers would still be part of your tribe and would contribute to costs.
  • Progress Save. The biggest let down of this game is that it lasts as long as the window is open. I don't propose making a player's base invulnerable if they leave, because multiplayer. However, using cookies or other means have a save slot you can choose to recover. It would save your minions, their tools, your resources and your inventions. However your buildings would be left in the map. When you choose to respawn you would do so like normal. As a limitation a tribe must have been undamaged for a certain time (Like a minute) to save. This is to prevent people from using it to escape combat.
  • Peaceful Mode. A castle gamemode with PvP disabled, however barbarians become more common. Shifts the focus from survival onto building a castle. Add routine barbarian attacks on buildings to compensate for players. No missionary!
    • No Player Mode. A castle gamemode with no other players, and a significantly smaller map. Would be handy as a 'Learn the ropes' world. Have barbarians scattered at the edges as well.
  • Desktop App. An offline app that people can download. Players would build castles and fight barbarian attacks, and would have save data! Make the map a bit smaller. Allow other players to join via LAN or a unique code over the internet. Don't get me started on multiplayer minigames.
  • The Bank (Gold Storage). Self explanatory, and why isn't this a thing? Using catapults as one way storage for gold is not ideal.
  • Destructible Wells. You should be able to destroy a well regardless of team colour. It would still cost ridiculous gold however.
  • Sharing Resources. To do this, click on the resource that you want to share from the top bar. Said resource will pop out of your totem for someone else to pick up. Don't put your totem up here, because it'll get stuck behind these buttons.
  • Zooming in and out: Hold down control (Or whatever the Mac equivalent is) and scroll up or down at the same time. Useful to get your totem out of the resource bar. I play at about 85 percent zoom, which let's you see a fair distance but still interact with your tribe well.
  • Catapult Rock Bug. When a catapult fires many times, the rock becomes bugged and hovers over a catapult. Does anyone know how to fix this? I cursed the middle by building a catapult on the waterfall, getting the rock bug, then destroying it. All hail the floating rock!
  • Waterfall Issue. Why can we build in the waterfall, but not be able to walk through it? I say it should take up building space like a well to stop building and movement.
  • Stay and Saw Bugs. For some reason, when you get Stay it doesn't appear. Make it appear by updating the interface with another upgrade, like hood. This does upset gameplay somewhat, but you can get around it. I sometimes find that Saw is broken as well. I get the upgrade, chop down a tree and only get one wood. I somehow got it to fix itself, but it is something to watch out for.
  • Team Codes Issues. The team codes do seem a bit broken. Having friends join later on works, but there are two problems:
    • Different Server. I'm pretty sure if you join a different server to someone with a matching friend code, you don't get put on the other server.
    • Generic Team. You can sometimes join the red or brown team, even with a friend code. Supposedly you're mean to get a unique independent team.

That's all of them. I might post some of my builds later. Thanks for reading!