

buhuplay 7 years ago updated by jared 6 years ago 8

What about a Leadebord so you can see who is the best

This is old, but I like this idea

it already have (the totem with skull it the no.1 player)

But you have to be near the person to see that. If there is a leaderboard button on the screen you can see not only the number 1 player, but also the number 2, 3, 4. See the pts and the number of players killed.

Maybe a leader board for the players just in that game, and also a leader board for the top high scores like in wilds?

Make an all time leader board, like so you can see the all time best.

Goed idee, allemaal, maar er is al een scorebord... Maar een all time leaderboard is er nog niet, dus.........

i think the leader board is good now

still would love you guys to implement things into the game this game is way better than the wilds.io