
Hittler 2 months ago updated 2 months ago 1

Imagine a bunch of gun-to-teeth zombies' coming towards you at full speed and your mission is to stay alive as the last one either in castle or normal.

For this to work the circular boundary must be a wall with small broken gaps, and the blessing of the good samaritan must also be removed. Also when you kill a zombie you should still be able to shred it and even eat it, the only thing that would change is that the body would be left with remains of meat that would disgust your sviros, which would cause a new animation in which they would grab the body and then throw it away from them.

First phase 0 min

In this phase the zombies will gather around the wall and some fertile places. In this first phase the zombies would not move from where they are, being almost all the time still, this phase would serve to prepare for the following phases, being both in the castle and in the tribe. The most complicated thing would be the fact that you cannot kill a zombie for so long, since within a few minutes it would reappear, leaving its skeleton, meat and weapon on the ground as a symbol that it will return. The goal is to survive the longest amount of time.

Second Phase 25min

In this second phase the zombies would move slightly with random patterns of the "awsd" keys moving erratically without a fixed pattern, also in this phase zombies would start to come out of the broken part of the wall. Although you can repair the wall at the edge of the map it would only keep them away for a while until too many of them appeared with hammer to be able to break your fortress.

Third Phase 29 min

In this phase the completely eliminated players could no longer respawn and all dead players would become zombies whether they are from the red team or the blue team etc. This phase is a warning for the last phase since the zombies here would start to gather to break the entire wall of the boundary but those who are not hammer would simply be wandering in groups of 4.

Fourth Phase 33 min

In the fourth phase a timer would appear in the heads of the players to measure exactly how long they manage to survive. In this phase, zombies would come out of the wall in droves, slowly attacking the remaining players, surrounding them on all sides. In this phase, the ogre would appear in zombie mode, with the strength of 3 hammers per hand (he has 2). The one who survives the longest would be given the recognition for losing.

Braaiins!! Weviwavo.