Your comments

Yes, there would have to be a couple big islands, and trees would have to be pretty common. This would be a neat idea for a new game mode though.

LOOOOOOOL XD Kanguror if I could I'd give this 43 upvotes. Great post. And he is not trying to be a moderator wannabe, he is just trying to inform people and make a point to try to make people add descriptions.

Something to make the game more challenging/survival based would be nice. If you want to bump up the difficulty a bit, make it so that tribes get hurt by darkness. Maybe make campfires/torches less expensive (wood).

A single weapon? Or the ability to make/buy one, such as what happens when you fill up your potion thing and get a weapon?

You mention matchmaking... Will this matchmaking occur in game or on the menu, or in the new map?

I take it you mean kind of the type of queue thingy you have in wilds... Correct me if I'm mistaken

Yeeah, this glitch was really very game breaking for me when I played today. It was annoying. I played for a while, then it did it for the first time. I grabbed the totem, frantically started moving it in a circle and holding it until my minions settled down. Then they started walking away again. And again. And again. I got verrry tired of grabbing the totem every ten seconds. I'll try to look into it, see if I can see what's causing it.